
Antwerp – Yesterday, the International News Media Association (INMA) announced the winners of its 2021 Global Media Awards competition. Mediahuis won four INMA Global Media Awards.

The INMA Global Media Awards competition rewards outstanding achievement in news brands, use of media platforms, subscriptions, business development, and data and insights. Divided into three segments: national brands, regional brands and – for the first time – media groups.

Mediahuis Ireland was awarded first place in the category Best Use of Data to Drive Advertising for the development and launch of the Programmatic Plus offering. This new advertising product offers an innovative and ground-breaking advertising solution to the Irish advertising market, whose effectiveness is demonstrated through advanced targeting, strong campaign performance and in-depth post-campaign analytics. The same product was once again in the running, winning second place in the Best Idea to Grow Advertising Sales category.

Also in the category Best Use of Data to Drive Avertising but this time for media ‘groups’, Mediahuis Belgium‘s campaign for Activia won first place for gaining customer insights by using innovative content profiling . Activia was looking for data-based insights into its predefined audience profiles to refocus its message and marketing strategy. The Mediahuis Brand Studio and Mediahuis Data Studio developed a content profiling plan, using branded content and data analytics to generate valuable insights to help Activia strengthen its relationship with its target audience.

In the category Best Use of Data to Drive Subscriptions, Content, Product Design, Mediahuis Netherlands came in a close third. By using various available data sources, the chief editors gained a good insight into the steps to be taken to make the digital transformation process a success. Among other things, the available data was used to change the distribution strategy, whereby articles are published online during the day based on reader activity on the website.